Democrats RUN... FROM their base... TOWARDS the lunatic right..???
Woo Hoo!
GREAT post by Cenk Uygur over at HuffPost
(who is "Cenk Uygur"? Go over to the article, and read (click) his bio.)
Cenk points out the obvious: Dem "leaders" RUN FROM THEIR CONSTITUENTS and VOTERS, and run TO the positions and policies of the Radical Right, gussied up as "MAINSTREAM" by the captive, sell-out "Mainstream Media" (aka "corporate media).
Or to put it in even simpler terms, THE COWERING DEMOCRATS (excuse me, "WIMPY Democrats") TAKE THEIR ORDERS from the KARL ROVE - radical-right, weaken millions of Americans (and thereby WEAKEN AMERICA) agenda.
Democratic Voters want a BALANCED BUDGET, investment in EDUCATION, public health, VETERAN's BENEFITS, etc??
IT DOESN'T MATTER! karl rove BANGS HIS DRUMS of lies, hate, and war, and the Democrats go scurrying AWAY FROM THEIR VOTERS, and try instead to suck up to the "undecided muddle," er, I mean "undecided middle."
And don't forget.. the ONLY reason that the Right-Wing agenda (and Bush-Cheney popularity) are as high as they are, is BECAUSE of the relentless "MSM" ('main-stream media) press that has been cleverly pushing that Righty agenda for months and years. For example, the American public is suspicious of NUCLEAR power, because of the potential for catastrophe. Yep, today's headline, "nuclear reactors LEAKING RADIOACTIVE WATER."
** BUT ** General Electric corp, one of the largest corporations in the world, MAKES MONEY SELLING NUCLEAR POWERPLANTS. And it just so happens the GE ** OWNS NBC **.
As in "NBC 'news.'"
Now, will GE corporate Execs EVER allow NBC to run a story about "Nuclear risks and radioactive leaks"???
That is JUST ONE EXAMPLE of how the corporate "mainstream media" supports th White House agenda, by TILTING their coverage and focus in a Right-Wing agenda manner. (In this case, by NOT covering nuclear energy problems.)
Multiply that tendency by all the other corporate-friendly policies receiving FAVORABLE coverage from 'MSM': media print and TV conglomerate consolidations; tax cuts for corporations and billionaires; Health Care which jacks up costs to consumers at every opportunity; secrecy and government spying; transferring funds from pulbic education to private religious schools; huge spending in the DEFENSE (war) industry (GE is a huge leader in military production).... etc., etc., etc.
DESPITE those TREMENDOUS ADVANTAGES of the Bush-friendly media, and with Bush's poll numbers DOWN TO 33%, the Wimpy Democrats are STILL running for their precious "mainstream conventional wisdom" gutless agenda!
And another important point about the Democrats scurrying to their "CONVENTIONAL WISDOM" mouse holes every time Karl Rove bangs his drums of lies, hate, and resentment- - -
For years now, the Righties have been babbling on (endlessly) about "FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE" and "FREE MARKET CAPTIALISM."
But what do they MEAN by "FREE MARKETS"??
answer: we know what the Righties mean - the MEAN the OPPOSITE of "Free markets", they mean "LOCKED UP AND CONTROLLED MARKETS"!!
Do you see Cheney-Bush handing out huge billion dollar contracts in Iraq, in the Gulf Coast rebuilding, to any company besides Halliburton? AND WHY AREN'T THE CONTRACTS LET OUT FOR PUBLIC BID?
The Bush-Cheney gang didn't even reign in ENRON, when they used MONOPOLY CONTROL to EXTORT California rate-payers out of obscenely high electricity prices.
Halliburton. Enron. Pharmaceutical companies. Oil Companies. When the Bush-GOP Righties SAY "FREE MARKET," they MEAN "the ability of well-connected [read- slushfund and kickbacks) corporations to LOCK UP AND MONOPOLIZE entire markets"!!
As you can see, not only do the Democrats TACTICALLY RETREAT on each and every campaign.... following the "don't upset the muddled-middle" (which is to say "don't upset the publishers, editors, writers, and networks which control what the muddled middle reads and hears") advice of "SENIOR DEMOCRATIC STRATEGISTS"... but they also GIVE UP on the BIG PICTURE PHILOSOPHY, what distinguishes ALL modern civilizations from the blood-lust empire of the Roman's and their "send the criminal Christians to the Lions!" bloodthirsty Colleseum mobs.
With all due apologies to AVIS, the Democrats are the "Number two political party". They have a large and successful (multi-million dollar) business machine, that every year garners millions in donations, and wins legislative and executive offices across the land. BUT UNLIKE Avis, the Democrats at the "senior" level seem to be ACCEPTING OF THE Party's SECOND CLASS STATUS.. even though the vast majority of Americans identify with most of the Democratic agenda, the above mentioned Republican media tidal wave notwithstanding.
PS: Just to confirm the Democrat's abject REFUSAL to CONFRONT the Right-Wing Bush-Republican PROPANDA MACHINE, along comes E&P today with their post " Survey shows misinformation on Iraq endures.... nearly 6 out of 10 Americans believe that Iraq had WMDs, and nearly 39% of those surveyed believed that SADDAM HUSSEIN WAS involved in the 9-11 attacks - despite the facts that Saddam was as antithetical to the Sunni Al Qaida extremists, as he was to the Shiite fundamentalists/extremists who now rule Iraq.
(Cenk Ungyr post below that)
Three Years On: Survey Shows Misinformation on Iraq Endures
By E&P Staff
Published: March 17, 2006 10:15 AM ET
NEW YORK Despite one official finding after another, debunking the involvement of Saddam Hussein's Iraq in the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, nearly one in four Americans continue to embrace that notion. And nearly 6 in 10 are fairly certain, contrary to most evidence, that Iraq did have WMDs before the war started.
A Gallup poll released today, conducted March 10-12 on a wide range of war-related issues, found that 39% still believe Saddam was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks. Shortly before the war began, 51% held that view, but that was before the many official, and media, reports to the contrary. Yet a high number still cling to the view.
Previous surveys have revealed that about the same number or more falsely believe that some of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis.
In a similar vein, Gallup reports today, "Though no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq after the invasion, today 57% of Americans express some degree of certainty that such weapons or programs to develop them were in Iraq just before the fighting began -- 29% feel definite about it, and another 28% think the weapons were there, though they have some doubt." Another 22% say Iraq "might have had" WMDs.
Nevertheless, three years on, the same poll finds that 54% want U.S. troops withdrawn from Iraq within a year -- either immediate withdrawal (19%), or withdrawal by March 2007 (35%).
Six in 10 Americans now say going to war was "not worth it." Exactly 50% say the war is not "morally justified," with 47% saying that it is.
E&P Staff (letters@editorandpublisher.con)
Three Crazy Things Democratic Politicians Believe (9 comments )
READ MORE: Iraq, 2006, Fox News, Al Gore, George W. Bush
Cenk Uygur
March 17, 2006
1. My base is the loony left. The Republican base is the mainstream.
The only thing crazy the Democratic base has done is vote for the spineless representatives they have now. Other than that, they thought it was a bad idea to go into Iraq - they were 100% right. They thought the Bush administration was lying about Iraq's connection to 9/11 -- they were 100% right.
They thought the Bush administration was exaggerating Iraq's WMD program to justify an unwarranted pre-emptive strike against a country that did not attack us -- they were 100% right.
They think that Bush clearly broke the law by ignoring FISA's unequivocal language to get a court order before spying on Americans -- they are 100% right.
The Republican base believes they are going to get sucked up into the air by the Jesus Hoover vacuum during the Rapture. That they are literally going to be sucked up into the sky! And the liberals are the crazy ones?
The Republicans win elections by running to their base. Instead of taking that as a lesson to run to their own base, the Democrats instead learn the lesson that they should also run to the Republican base. Are we stuck in some bad comedy the French would enjoy? Even Jerry Lewis wouldn't be this goofy.
Really, the Democrats are going to win elections by trying to out-Republican Republicans? Somewhere Jerry Lewis is embarrassed (and in a lot of back pain).
Note to Democratic politicians: There is nothing wrong with your base, there's something wrong with you!
The latest poll of independents has President Bush's approval rating at 23%. Milosevic had better numbers in Croatia. But Democrats explained that's because Croatian centrists rallied to Slobodan's defense when the World Court tried to censure him.
Yes, I just made a passing analogy of Bush to Milosevic, not in their war crimes but in their popularity rankings among centrists Croatians. No, since I am not a Democratic official, I will not be apologizing for it tomorrow.
If the independents are this dead set against the President, running to the center doesn't mean running towards Bush, it means running from him!
Amazing fact: Nineteen Democratic Senators who are still in the Senate voted to censure Bill Clinton for receiving oral sex, but those same Senators are now refusing to censure President Bush for breaking a federal law and ignoring Congress.
Another note to Democratic politicians: President Clinton was in your party, President Bush is in the other party.
2. If we oppose Bush's ridiculously aggressive foreign policy, we will be seen as weak on defense.
No, you will be seen as weak on defense because you are seen as weak on everything. Republicans win elections based on the strength of their convictions (right or wrong). Instead of learning the lesson to run on the strength of their convictions, the Democrats learn the lesson to run on the strength of Republican convictions.
Strong on defense does not equal attacking random Middle Eastern countries that did not attack you. The pre-emptive strike doctrine is madness. It is wildly destabilizing, has made us less safe, created more terrorism and has brought us into the quicksand of Iraq. And Democrats still think they can't speak against it because it wouldn't be tough.
You know what's particularly untough -- meekly copying your opponent's strategy and having no convictions of your own. Strength isn't about who can invade more countries. It doesn't make you tough if you send the 101st Airborne into Canadian airspace and firebomb the Mounties. It makes you an idiot.
Note to Democratic politicians: Real strength is having the courage of your convictions and fighting for principles you believe in.
3. We don't want to appear angry because Fox News Channel will yell at us if we do.
I love the irony of the angriest men in America -- the frothing at the mouth, hateful conservative talk show hosts -- chastising Democratic politicians for being too angry. Come on, how funny is that? Rush Limbaugh saying that Al Gore is too full of hate and anger?
It's funny enough when the clueless conservatives listening don't get that stunning piece of irony, but when the Democratic Senators also don't get it, it goes from comedy to tragedy.
Don't you get it? They're trying to dissuade you from criticizing their leader by painting you as out of control angry guy if you do. John Kerry ran a whole sunny, shiny, happy, smiley convention based on the fear that he would seem angry if he criticized the President too much. Dude, you were running against him. Kerry's the only candidate to lose four points coming out of his own convention. Gee, I wonder why?
Note to Democratic politicians: In politics, as well as life, you win by attacking not by sitting on your hands with a goofy smile on your face.
Attacking doesn't have to mean being dirty or unfair. It does mean being aggressive in fighting for your ideas -- and for your country. The President says he doesn't have to follow a law made by Congress or consult the judiciary in doing warrantless searches -- that is the time to be aggressive in fighting for the principles of this country. You cannot allow one man to be above the law. It is the very antithesis of this country. If instead of fighting back hard against this clear law-breaking, you sit back with a dopey look on your face -- not only will you be selling out your country but you will have also lost the respect of anyone even thinking about voting for you.
Who votes for people they don't respect? Not very many people. And that in a nutshell is why Democrats keep losing elections when poll after poll shows the American people are on their side on the actual issues.
Public Enemy once said, "Get up, it's time to get 'em back." I doubt they were talking to Democratic Senators at the time, but their advice couldn't be more true today. If ever there was such a time, this is it.
Final note to Democratic politicians: Please stand up for yourselves, so we know that you can stand up for us.
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• Cenk Uygur: Note to Moronic Democratic Senators: Americans Can't Stand George Bush
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Democrats response: "Lalalalala...I can't hear you!
By: gerireig on March 17, 2006 at 06:13am
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Could you please send this to every so called Democratic politician??????
Oh, I forgot, they don't listen to their base! They forgot they have a base! Sickening
By: WetBearSF on March 17, 2006 at 06:56am
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Yes yes. Please, Democratic leaders, find the guts to back the Feingolds of the world and take this country back. If a Democrat were in power now, I don't think I'd have lost my job, honestly.
By: BobcatJH on March 17, 2006 at 07:20am
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The Democrats in Congress need to stop letting Republicans define them. Whenever Hannity or Limbaugh make a charge against them, they need to throw it back in their face.
Explain their position simply and then counter with a charge based on facts against Republicans. For example, when Limbaugh comes up with the charge that Dems are angry, say damn right and here's why. Call a lie a lie. The time for tact is over. Americans want strong leadership--whether they agree with all of the ideas is secondary.
Don't worry about Rove slinging mud against the Dems. He'll find something to sling at them no matter what they do. So make sure he's slinging at people who don't flinch and will stand firm against his every move. Don't worry that he's going to rally the right-wing base--he'll do that anyway, no matter what.
In other words, quit playing the battered wife. Rather than "we can do better," it's "We will do better!" The Dems need to express confidence in themselves and what they will do for the country.
- Tom
By: KenoshaMarge on March 17, 2006 at 07:39am
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Of course, you are right.
Everyone (Most Democrats) thought that
Impeaching President Clinton was wrong.
Look, what Bill Clinton did was wrong,but,Impeach him? For a private misjudgement that many Americans,married and unmarried, make
everyday? No, I don't think so. If we can not show mercy we will not get it in return and all of us are imperfect sinners. Plus the fact that this is not a "High Crime". He didn't try to subvert the Constitution of the United States, he lied about sex, which is something very personal.
Now, here comes George Bush,President of The United States,possibly someone who has kept his marriage vows but...
He did NOTHING to prevent 9/11!
He led us INTO WAR WITH IRAQ by lieing to us!
He has given TAX CUTS to the WEALTHY at the same time that he CUTS REAL PROGRAMS THAT BENEFIT AMERICANS not those who are rich as hell.
He decides that it is ok to single out poorer americans who only make $22,000 per year by CLAIMING they are SUPERVISORS when they are not so that
And no Democratic Senators will Censure?
Maybe,just maybe, if we can not get Censure, if we can not Impeach...
We should REPLACE those folks?
GREAT post by Cenk Uygur over at HuffPost
(who is "Cenk Uygur"? Go over to the article, and read (click) his bio.)
Cenk points out the obvious: Dem "leaders" RUN FROM THEIR CONSTITUENTS and VOTERS, and run TO the positions and policies of the Radical Right, gussied up as "MAINSTREAM" by the captive, sell-out "Mainstream Media" (aka "corporate media).
Or to put it in even simpler terms, THE COWERING DEMOCRATS (excuse me, "WIMPY Democrats") TAKE THEIR ORDERS from the KARL ROVE - radical-right, weaken millions of Americans (and thereby WEAKEN AMERICA) agenda.
Democratic Voters want a BALANCED BUDGET, investment in EDUCATION, public health, VETERAN's BENEFITS, etc??
IT DOESN'T MATTER! karl rove BANGS HIS DRUMS of lies, hate, and war, and the Democrats go scurrying AWAY FROM THEIR VOTERS, and try instead to suck up to the "undecided muddle," er, I mean "undecided middle."
And don't forget.. the ONLY reason that the Right-Wing agenda (and Bush-Cheney popularity) are as high as they are, is BECAUSE of the relentless "MSM" ('main-stream media) press that has been cleverly pushing that Righty agenda for months and years. For example, the American public is suspicious of NUCLEAR power, because of the potential for catastrophe. Yep, today's headline, "nuclear reactors LEAKING RADIOACTIVE WATER."
** BUT ** General Electric corp, one of the largest corporations in the world, MAKES MONEY SELLING NUCLEAR POWERPLANTS. And it just so happens the GE ** OWNS NBC **.
As in "NBC 'news.'"
Now, will GE corporate Execs EVER allow NBC to run a story about "Nuclear risks and radioactive leaks"???
That is JUST ONE EXAMPLE of how the corporate "mainstream media" supports th White House agenda, by TILTING their coverage and focus in a Right-Wing agenda manner. (In this case, by NOT covering nuclear energy problems.)
Multiply that tendency by all the other corporate-friendly policies receiving FAVORABLE coverage from 'MSM': media print and TV conglomerate consolidations; tax cuts for corporations and billionaires; Health Care which jacks up costs to consumers at every opportunity; secrecy and government spying; transferring funds from pulbic education to private religious schools; huge spending in the DEFENSE (war) industry (GE is a huge leader in military production).... etc., etc., etc.
DESPITE those TREMENDOUS ADVANTAGES of the Bush-friendly media, and with Bush's poll numbers DOWN TO 33%, the Wimpy Democrats are STILL running for their precious "mainstream conventional wisdom" gutless agenda!
And another important point about the Democrats scurrying to their "CONVENTIONAL WISDOM" mouse holes every time Karl Rove bangs his drums of lies, hate, and resentment- - -
For years now, the Righties have been babbling on (endlessly) about "FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE" and "FREE MARKET CAPTIALISM."
But what do they MEAN by "FREE MARKETS"??
answer: we know what the Righties mean - the MEAN the OPPOSITE of "Free markets", they mean "LOCKED UP AND CONTROLLED MARKETS"!!
Do you see Cheney-Bush handing out huge billion dollar contracts in Iraq, in the Gulf Coast rebuilding, to any company besides Halliburton? AND WHY AREN'T THE CONTRACTS LET OUT FOR PUBLIC BID?
The Bush-Cheney gang didn't even reign in ENRON, when they used MONOPOLY CONTROL to EXTORT California rate-payers out of obscenely high electricity prices.
Halliburton. Enron. Pharmaceutical companies. Oil Companies. When the Bush-GOP Righties SAY "FREE MARKET," they MEAN "the ability of well-connected [read- slushfund and kickbacks) corporations to LOCK UP AND MONOPOLIZE entire markets"!!
As you can see, not only do the Democrats TACTICALLY RETREAT on each and every campaign.... following the "don't upset the muddled-middle" (which is to say "don't upset the publishers, editors, writers, and networks which control what the muddled middle reads and hears") advice of "SENIOR DEMOCRATIC STRATEGISTS"... but they also GIVE UP on the BIG PICTURE PHILOSOPHY, what distinguishes ALL modern civilizations from the blood-lust empire of the Roman's and their "send the criminal Christians to the Lions!" bloodthirsty Colleseum mobs.
With all due apologies to AVIS, the Democrats are the "Number two political party". They have a large and successful (multi-million dollar) business machine, that every year garners millions in donations, and wins legislative and executive offices across the land. BUT UNLIKE Avis, the Democrats at the "senior" level seem to be ACCEPTING OF THE Party's SECOND CLASS STATUS.. even though the vast majority of Americans identify with most of the Democratic agenda, the above mentioned Republican media tidal wave notwithstanding.
PS: Just to confirm the Democrat's abject REFUSAL to CONFRONT the Right-Wing Bush-Republican PROPANDA MACHINE, along comes E&P today with their post " Survey shows misinformation on Iraq endures.... nearly 6 out of 10 Americans believe that Iraq had WMDs, and nearly 39% of those surveyed believed that SADDAM HUSSEIN WAS involved in the 9-11 attacks - despite the facts that Saddam was as antithetical to the Sunni Al Qaida extremists, as he was to the Shiite fundamentalists/extremists who now rule Iraq.
(Cenk Ungyr post below that)
Three Years On: Survey Shows Misinformation on Iraq Endures
By E&P Staff
Published: March 17, 2006 10:15 AM ET
NEW YORK Despite one official finding after another, debunking the involvement of Saddam Hussein's Iraq in the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, nearly one in four Americans continue to embrace that notion. And nearly 6 in 10 are fairly certain, contrary to most evidence, that Iraq did have WMDs before the war started.
A Gallup poll released today, conducted March 10-12 on a wide range of war-related issues, found that 39% still believe Saddam was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks. Shortly before the war began, 51% held that view, but that was before the many official, and media, reports to the contrary. Yet a high number still cling to the view.
Previous surveys have revealed that about the same number or more falsely believe that some of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis.
In a similar vein, Gallup reports today, "Though no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq after the invasion, today 57% of Americans express some degree of certainty that such weapons or programs to develop them were in Iraq just before the fighting began -- 29% feel definite about it, and another 28% think the weapons were there, though they have some doubt." Another 22% say Iraq "might have had" WMDs.
Nevertheless, three years on, the same poll finds that 54% want U.S. troops withdrawn from Iraq within a year -- either immediate withdrawal (19%), or withdrawal by March 2007 (35%).
Six in 10 Americans now say going to war was "not worth it." Exactly 50% say the war is not "morally justified," with 47% saying that it is.
E&P Staff (letters@editorandpublisher.con)
Three Crazy Things Democratic Politicians Believe (9 comments )
READ MORE: Iraq, 2006, Fox News, Al Gore, George W. Bush
Cenk Uygur
March 17, 2006
1. My base is the loony left. The Republican base is the mainstream.
The only thing crazy the Democratic base has done is vote for the spineless representatives they have now. Other than that, they thought it was a bad idea to go into Iraq - they were 100% right. They thought the Bush administration was lying about Iraq's connection to 9/11 -- they were 100% right.
They thought the Bush administration was exaggerating Iraq's WMD program to justify an unwarranted pre-emptive strike against a country that did not attack us -- they were 100% right.
They think that Bush clearly broke the law by ignoring FISA's unequivocal language to get a court order before spying on Americans -- they are 100% right.
The Republican base believes they are going to get sucked up into the air by the Jesus Hoover vacuum during the Rapture. That they are literally going to be sucked up into the sky! And the liberals are the crazy ones?
The Republicans win elections by running to their base. Instead of taking that as a lesson to run to their own base, the Democrats instead learn the lesson that they should also run to the Republican base. Are we stuck in some bad comedy the French would enjoy? Even Jerry Lewis wouldn't be this goofy.
Really, the Democrats are going to win elections by trying to out-Republican Republicans? Somewhere Jerry Lewis is embarrassed (and in a lot of back pain).
Note to Democratic politicians: There is nothing wrong with your base, there's something wrong with you!
The latest poll of independents has President Bush's approval rating at 23%. Milosevic had better numbers in Croatia. But Democrats explained that's because Croatian centrists rallied to Slobodan's defense when the World Court tried to censure him.
Yes, I just made a passing analogy of Bush to Milosevic, not in their war crimes but in their popularity rankings among centrists Croatians. No, since I am not a Democratic official, I will not be apologizing for it tomorrow.
If the independents are this dead set against the President, running to the center doesn't mean running towards Bush, it means running from him!
Amazing fact: Nineteen Democratic Senators who are still in the Senate voted to censure Bill Clinton for receiving oral sex, but those same Senators are now refusing to censure President Bush for breaking a federal law and ignoring Congress.
Another note to Democratic politicians: President Clinton was in your party, President Bush is in the other party.
2. If we oppose Bush's ridiculously aggressive foreign policy, we will be seen as weak on defense.
No, you will be seen as weak on defense because you are seen as weak on everything. Republicans win elections based on the strength of their convictions (right or wrong). Instead of learning the lesson to run on the strength of their convictions, the Democrats learn the lesson to run on the strength of Republican convictions.
Strong on defense does not equal attacking random Middle Eastern countries that did not attack you. The pre-emptive strike doctrine is madness. It is wildly destabilizing, has made us less safe, created more terrorism and has brought us into the quicksand of Iraq. And Democrats still think they can't speak against it because it wouldn't be tough.
You know what's particularly untough -- meekly copying your opponent's strategy and having no convictions of your own. Strength isn't about who can invade more countries. It doesn't make you tough if you send the 101st Airborne into Canadian airspace and firebomb the Mounties. It makes you an idiot.
Note to Democratic politicians: Real strength is having the courage of your convictions and fighting for principles you believe in.
3. We don't want to appear angry because Fox News Channel will yell at us if we do.
I love the irony of the angriest men in America -- the frothing at the mouth, hateful conservative talk show hosts -- chastising Democratic politicians for being too angry. Come on, how funny is that? Rush Limbaugh saying that Al Gore is too full of hate and anger?
It's funny enough when the clueless conservatives listening don't get that stunning piece of irony, but when the Democratic Senators also don't get it, it goes from comedy to tragedy.
Don't you get it? They're trying to dissuade you from criticizing their leader by painting you as out of control angry guy if you do. John Kerry ran a whole sunny, shiny, happy, smiley convention based on the fear that he would seem angry if he criticized the President too much. Dude, you were running against him. Kerry's the only candidate to lose four points coming out of his own convention. Gee, I wonder why?
Note to Democratic politicians: In politics, as well as life, you win by attacking not by sitting on your hands with a goofy smile on your face.
Attacking doesn't have to mean being dirty or unfair. It does mean being aggressive in fighting for your ideas -- and for your country. The President says he doesn't have to follow a law made by Congress or consult the judiciary in doing warrantless searches -- that is the time to be aggressive in fighting for the principles of this country. You cannot allow one man to be above the law. It is the very antithesis of this country. If instead of fighting back hard against this clear law-breaking, you sit back with a dopey look on your face -- not only will you be selling out your country but you will have also lost the respect of anyone even thinking about voting for you.
Who votes for people they don't respect? Not very many people. And that in a nutshell is why Democrats keep losing elections when poll after poll shows the American people are on their side on the actual issues.
Public Enemy once said, "Get up, it's time to get 'em back." I doubt they were talking to Democratic Senators at the time, but their advice couldn't be more true today. If ever there was such a time, this is it.
Final note to Democratic politicians: Please stand up for yourselves, so we know that you can stand up for us.
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• Cenk Uygur: Note to Moronic Democratic Senators: Americans Can't Stand George Bush
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Democrats response: "Lalalalala...I can't hear you!
By: gerireig on March 17, 2006 at 06:13am
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Could you please send this to every so called Democratic politician??????
Oh, I forgot, they don't listen to their base! They forgot they have a base! Sickening
By: WetBearSF on March 17, 2006 at 06:56am
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Yes yes. Please, Democratic leaders, find the guts to back the Feingolds of the world and take this country back. If a Democrat were in power now, I don't think I'd have lost my job, honestly.
By: BobcatJH on March 17, 2006 at 07:20am
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The Democrats in Congress need to stop letting Republicans define them. Whenever Hannity or Limbaugh make a charge against them, they need to throw it back in their face.
Explain their position simply and then counter with a charge based on facts against Republicans. For example, when Limbaugh comes up with the charge that Dems are angry, say damn right and here's why. Call a lie a lie. The time for tact is over. Americans want strong leadership--whether they agree with all of the ideas is secondary.
Don't worry about Rove slinging mud against the Dems. He'll find something to sling at them no matter what they do. So make sure he's slinging at people who don't flinch and will stand firm against his every move. Don't worry that he's going to rally the right-wing base--he'll do that anyway, no matter what.
In other words, quit playing the battered wife. Rather than "we can do better," it's "We will do better!" The Dems need to express confidence in themselves and what they will do for the country.
- Tom
By: KenoshaMarge on March 17, 2006 at 07:39am
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Of course, you are right.
Everyone (Most Democrats) thought that
Impeaching President Clinton was wrong.
Look, what Bill Clinton did was wrong,but,Impeach him? For a private misjudgement that many Americans,married and unmarried, make
everyday? No, I don't think so. If we can not show mercy we will not get it in return and all of us are imperfect sinners. Plus the fact that this is not a "High Crime". He didn't try to subvert the Constitution of the United States, he lied about sex, which is something very personal.
Now, here comes George Bush,President of The United States,possibly someone who has kept his marriage vows but...
He did NOTHING to prevent 9/11!
He led us INTO WAR WITH IRAQ by lieing to us!
He has given TAX CUTS to the WEALTHY at the same time that he CUTS REAL PROGRAMS THAT BENEFIT AMERICANS not those who are rich as hell.
He decides that it is ok to single out poorer americans who only make $22,000 per year by CLAIMING they are SUPERVISORS when they are not so that
And no Democratic Senators will Censure?
Maybe,just maybe, if we can not get Censure, if we can not Impeach...
We should REPLACE those folks?
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